Els Berros de la Cort are not going to play during next season 2017-2018. We’ll meet in September again.

We’ve been  playing in the streets during some years, on the roads, meeting amazing people around Europe. Thousands of kilometers with our van, splashing stones with our music and finding smiles around. Long nights, endless waits, finding new instruments in the path…and three CDs  in the pocket, done with all the love we had. We already have all this.

Having arrived at this point, we need to stop for a while…and breath. We can call it “creative stop”, because it will be a halt in the road that will allow us to have the space as a group to do what we have been thinking of for a long time: recording a new album.

Meditating, thinking, recording, erasing, thinking, recording, erasing….as a path to allow us to entering to the studio to let our creativity flow.

For all of this, this next season we won’t be playing in the streets. We’re going to enter to the studio, enjoying a calm recording. 

We’ll be back in September , powerful and ready. Until then, we’ll be releasing new information about all the process.

Big hugs!